Sunday, May 01, 2011

May Day

I am happy to report that I fell quite spectacularly in the mud today. I am happy to report that I was covered in said squelchy, wet mud from ass to ankles for the next hour. I am happy to report that I sunk to my knees in snow today. I am happy to report that I saw a mysterious head nailed to a tree today. I am happy to report that I came across several large piles of poop today. I am happy to report that the gloom of yesterday is gone, and the sun is out today. I am happy to report that I took advantage of that sun to take a trek on one of my favorite local trails up at the top of Emigration canyon. I am happy to report that it was a lovely trek, even if it took me through some wintry scenes. I am happy to report that experiencing snowy scenes on a fine spring first day of May when you can feel the warmth of sunshine on your face is much, much better than experiencing snowy scenes outside of your window as you cower in despair under the warmth of your covers cursing this long winter of discontent on a cold, gray last day of April. I am happy to report that the clouds were fluffy, and only accentuated the fine blueness of the sky beneath. I am happy to report that I have noticed for the first time how lovely and delicate sage looks against a field of snow. I am happy to report that the mountains are still majestic, and the canyons do not disappoint. I am happy to report for duty in this world, today.

From 2011-05-01

From 2011-05-01

From 2011-05-01

From 2011-05-01

From 2011-05-01

From 2011-05-01

From 2011-05-01