Sunday, January 23, 2011

Birthday Wisdom

It has been a beautiful birthday eve, upon which I share this wisdom:

"The world always says the same thing. And in that patient truth which proceeds from star to star is established a freedom that releases us from ourselves and from others, as in that other patient truth which proceeds from death to death."

--Albert Camus

Thursday, January 06, 2011

At A Loss

Things I have left behind/lost this week:

  1. my blackberry
  2. my keys
  3. my purse
  4. a folder of important documents for a meeting
  5. another document with important signatures
  6. the jazz game, big time
Ok, maybe "I" didn't lost the game, but I feel like they definitely picked up on my losing jinx. That game sucked.

Monday, January 03, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

1. Enjoy various kinds of movement
2. Spot some critters and beasts
3. Observe the workings of the universe
4. Lean and loaf at my ease
5. Sound some barbaric YAWPS